Monday, May 14, 2007

Has MLK's "dream" been realized? - Education

African Americans, along with other minority groups, have been making progress in school enrollments. In 1980, there were 8,251 blacks enrolled from ages 3-34. Compare that to 2003, which was when 10,971 blacks were enrolled. Hispanic numbers have also gone up, from a meager 4,263 in 1980, jumping up to a large sum of 11,679 in 2003. Apparently, the message is spreading that there are different ways to make it 'big' in society, not only in major league sports.

But even when you take those numbers and compare it to white enrollment, it's depressing. In 1980, there were 47,673 whites enrolled! And then the number gets larger, with a whopping 55,218 in 2003. Compare that to African Americans' 10,971, or Hispanics' 11,679. Even with those numbers combined, there's still a difference of 32,568. Obviously, we still have a lot of work to make education equal.

We could start by improving text books at schools, and hiring better teachers. There could also be commercials on TV saying how you should go to college, you'll live a better life, etc. Schools could also do drives to help inner-city public schools and try to help fund them. There's a lot that can be done, and all we need are people to help.

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